
There are of course, many such sensitive, perspective type males who go through childhood with no experiences of a transvestic nature and thus have no awakening of the awareness of the possibilities and satisfactions of this activity. In adolescence when sexuality develops all things are colored by it, and the values, virtues, and qualities of the opposite sex become very evident to the young man. In trying to make some sort of contact with the feminine world on a non-sexual and even on an impersonal basis, he takes up an interest in all things feminine including cloth- ing. He may feel it, become intrigued by the differences from men's clothing. He may and probably would be come sexually stimulated by personal contact with intimate lin- gerie and this could "key in" clothing and what it repre- sented to his own perceptive nature. In going a little further over a period of time he would come to the point of dressing completely, and seeing that he too could be pretty, attractive, desire: ble, in short all those things that he saw in girl' his own age. From then on he would ре a TV.

But suppose that he survives adolescence with no specific experiences relating to clothing. At some time Later in life--a masquerade party, or a dare, or a pecu- Liar circumstance such as having no adequate male under- clothes or pajamas available (this actually happened dur- ing the war) he makes contact with feminine apparel. This can then trigger off his perception of the fact that ne too could eat adorn himself, he too could be attrac- tive, "good" and "virtuous", and could in the process es- cape temporarily from the pressing demands of masculinity and the expectations of society. The story of the Doctor and the womanless wedding is a case in point, so too is the story of Genevieve in TVia #6, and many others I am collecting. The infection with feminine clothing can clearly be said to be possible at most any point in life from childhood through middle age. As a further point of dispute for those who think of TVism as having primarily a sexual root is the fact that once TVism is fully estab- lished it does not die out with the decline of sexuality.